Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Monday, September 28, 2015
6 Reasons You Can't Get a 6 Pack
1 You Rely off Ab Workouts to Get you your Abs.
You can do all the ab workouts you want, all you'll end up with is a sore stomach and slightly stronger core.Abs are small muscles, the only way to see them is to lose the fat covering them up.
2 You're Body Fat isn't Low Enough
Unless you're at a very low body fat level of around 10% or lower as a man, or around 15% as a woman, you're going to have some body fat.
3 You don't Count your Calories.
Nutritionists were tested to guesstimate how many calories they were eating without tracking, and
they were 80% off. So what chance do you have?
Finding out what your maintenance is staying 15-30% under to cut body fat is the only way to get there.

4 You don't Weigh and Measure Yourself.
To tell if your diet is working you need to weekly update your progress to see if your program is working.
How will you know if you're making progress if you're not tarcking, you could be wasting lots of time.
If it isn't cut more calories, or at least do more cardio
5 You Only Lose Water Weight and Muscle
You're fasting, (starving yourself) doing stupid things like juice cleanses, over training, under eating.
Use a proper program where you maintain muscle and lose fat and you'll be good.
Most people would rather work hard than think for a few minutes.
6 It's Normal
That's where most body fat is storedIf you're a man, you usually store fat in your gut, and your man boobs.
If you're a woman, you'll usually store it in your thighs or arms, but women are increasingly storing it in the belly now (not sure why, scientists still researching that)
Doesn't mean you don't look good, just accept that's normal for humans to have a certain level of body fat. If you want an elite body, you have to live a different life.
What's more important to you?
The version of the Rock on the left can almost get as many girls as the one on the right...almost.
Friday, September 25, 2015
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
5 Myths Debunked
1) HIIT is Better than Moderate Cardio
There's no evidence that high intensity cardio is better than moderate cardio. Purely anecdotal.
Yes, you can burn more calories in a shorter period of time when increasing intensity. But when intensity increases, volume and frequency must decrease. So since you must do less, it all averages out about the same.
Moderate cardio is easier on the joints, CNS, recovery, and is proven to be effective.
Yes many lean people do high intensity cardio, but to paraphrase Lyle McDonald "Many lean people do HIIT, but they're most likely lean because people willing to do HIIT consistently are most likely willing to follow a diet."
2) Low Carb Diets are the Best Diets
Low carb diets force people to eat more protein, and make it hard to overeat.
Whey you're left with only meat to eat, you'll be getting more than enough protein.
It's also hard to overeat and snack on rib eye steaks and grilled chicken.
Which is the only reason it works.
If you wan to do it go for it, but it's miserable and unnecessary.
It's just a food restriction.
3) Gluten Causes Fat
Again, just like the keto/low carb/paleo/Atkins/ect. diet, all the foods that have gluten are the foods people overeat.
Get rid of those foods and it's hard to overeat. Yep, the same as the low carb diet.
Only people the few people on earth that are allergic to gluten need to avoid it.
Just another new thing to demonize and market some stupid book. And the're plenty of idiots that capitalized selling this to other idiots.
4) High Reps Mean Lean Muscle
There's no such thing as lean muscle. Terms like toned, and lean muscle are nothing but marketing terms that don't actually mean anything.
Purely used to sell fitness to women because they're often scared to get too bulky, which again, is not something real.
Women like this, who swear they're drug free natural lifters are what scare women. They're on plenty of steroids, but since they say they're not women are scared they'll end up looking like this from lifting weights.
Muscle is muscle, unless you are on steroids you don't have anything to worry about. Keep your body fat low, lift weights, and you'll be lean with muscle.
5) Ab Workouts for Six Pack
Abs are small muscles, working them only helps with core strength.
Core strength is great, but won't help you with a six pack or obliques.
Losing body fat is the only thing to reveal your hidden abs and shed your love handles.
They'll be plenty of scammers marketing abs books, ab workout bootcamps, etc. for those stupid enough to believe it. If you like overtraining a small muscle and wasting money and time, don't let me stop you.
The Fitness Industry is 98.6% Bullshit. So beware at all times.
ab workouts,
dana linn bailey,
drug free,
farmer fitness,
gluten free,
hiit vs moderate cardio,
lean muscle,
low carb,
not real words,
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Saturday, September 19, 2015
Friday, September 18, 2015
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Why I Hate CrossFit - Part 2
5 Games
Now, for people that aren't in trainers or athletes (I call them civilians), you're probably impressed with what you see at the CrossFit games. Jacked up human beings lifting excessive weight,while also doing endurance events, etc. At the end of the day though, bragging about your CrossFit achievements is like a Tough Mudder competitor bragging to a Tri-Athlete. It's a game, not a sport.Why would I say something like that?
First of all, Deadlifts you can just drop... Where else is that allowed? Not in any power-lifting competition I've ever heard of.
Pullups allowed by kipping. Yeah, those who are best at swinging their body will beat those that rely off actual strength and endurance.
Think about all the CNS drained by people who competing for the most reps of a Olympic lift, combined with maxing their deadlifts, combined with cardiovascular activities, and it's no wonder that injuries are so rampant. Why the hell do you think you see all those people wrapped up in that stupid tape?
Even crazier than that...
The people that win the CrossFit games don't train do CrossFit, they do their own regimen.
Even crazier than that...
There's more people in the show than in the audience. Seriously, check it out on YouTube.
4 Too many things
Ever heard of jack of all trades and master on none. I find it even worse with CrossFit. They're mishmashing so many things together that it makes my head hurt, since I have this weird thing where I strive for logic. But I'm not the only one annoyed by how they try to fit everything into one training program.If you're a serious gymnast, power-lifter, or Olympic lifter, you most likely hate CrossFit. I have friends in every one of these fields and they think it's ridiculous the way they incorporate their training.
My best friend is a competitive Olympic lifter that wins every meet he competes in. He hates the training style Cross Fit uses,
Worse than that, CrossFit even thinks they can teach you self defense..? As someone who's been training in Krav Maga for 3 years, this is the funniest thing I've seen in a while. But don't take myt word for it, watch it yourself.
There's corssfitters with better bodies than me, that lift better than, that are much better athletes than me, but here's the has little to do with crossfit. They're more genetically gifted and if they used a real program, they'd be much better off.
That's the main thing they have in common.
Cross Fit now things they can teach self defense. Wow.
3 Cerfitication
Trainers get certified in a weekend. Yes, you read that right. I'm not talking about they test over a whole weekend. Beginning to end in a weekend.Great thing for them, $1000 take a bunch of people and certify them over the weekend, repeat each week. Money, money, money, moneyyyyyyy....Money!
You may never look at a level 1 "Coach" the same way.
What's that? You seem to understand now why so many clients get injured?
I'm not saying certs stop people from being bad trainers by taking a longer time, but this definitely doesn't hlep.
I won't lie, $1000 for a weekend sounds way more fun than the 800 page book I studied for a month to get my certification.
2 The Body you get
You're doing CrossFit for a body? Unless you're a beginner, don't expect much. Most CrossFitters look like joggers. skinny fat, soft, and/or very average fitness bodies. The kind of body that says they're healthy, but isn't going to turn heads on the beach.This is what typical crossfitters look like, far from what they'd have you believe.
Yes,some CrossFitters look awesome, but that's because of lot of former athletes join CrossFit and they would look awesome on any program. Give them a shake weight or Tae Bo and they'd still be ripped. Hell, a lot of cross fitters are on steroids. Gives them a competitive edge for the games and also markets their box better.
You think this is possible without steroids then we have nothing left to talk about.
"Hey Steve, that's not true. I know plenty of girls with awesome bodies that train at CrossFit."
I've seen plenty too, and every time I see them I just think, how much more in shape they'd be if they did proper training. Like I said before, those are girls with great genetics that would do well anywhere, but would've been better off on a real program.

Definitely former athletes, and some look like the roids have effected their hormones.
Think about it, how are you going to get a great chest without bench press? Better arms without curls or chin ups? My goal was a better body, so I did squat and deadlift movements for legs, chinups and rows for back, curls and skull crushers for arms, etc. Box Jumps and wall balls aren't going to be enough to get you this look.
1 Elite
If you see somebody doing something dumb at the gym, most of the time you can roll your eyes and move on with your day. But when people keep talking about it like it's the best thing ever, and act like you're naive or even an idiot for not doing it, that's when the hate starts. And that's why cross fitters get so much criticism. And if you don't think they think this, look at their mottoCross Fit is like Starbucks, with one competing across the street with another. And guess what, the bubble is about to burst. I'm starting to see more of them shut down, because they can't just get away with the name brand anymore.

Yes, there are worse coaches than others. Some coaches really know technique and form, but at the end of the day, they're great for a cross fit coach and that's a paradox in itself. There's a reason that Mark Ripeetoe left CrossFit. There's a reason there are entire websites and YouTube channels dedicated to making fun of CrossFit, and there's a reason I spent two entire blog posts talking about how bad it is.
CrossFit, P90X, Insanity, are all gimmicks. They're the new high intensity gimmick. The old days was all about doing the least amount of exercising and supposedly getting the most return. Now we have the new gimmick that make you have you over doing the act of exercising, but you actually get the least amount of return.
You're working hard not smart. You want a great body, read Tom Venuto's 'Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle'. You want to learn how to lift properly read Mark Rippetoe's "Starting Strength'.
Some people love their style of coaching and especially love the community. Which I understand. If you already love it I can't change your mind, but that's not the purpose. People want to know why I hate it and this is why.
I'll leave you a quote from Lyle McDonald.
"Even if you want to just be generally fit, there are less rhabodmyoloytic and injurious ways to go about it than Crossfit (go look at the pictures, everyone has that kinesio tape on and they wear their torn callouses and other injuries as badges of honor like the macho idiots that they are).
Lift two to three days per week and do aerobic work three times per week. Maybe one day of intervals. Instead of trying to mix them up in a truly idiotic fashion and trying to work to all out maximum every day until you burn out.
Random training generates random results. The end. Xfit keeps people occupied and out of the squat rack which is fine with me. But don't try to tell me it's worth a damn as any sort of training system; you might as well do P90X. Or that it produces anything elite except injuries, mediocrity and people who think they understand training but don't understand a damn thing."
Or you could just listen to the guy who created Cross Fit
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